AFP Charlotte 2014 Board

Introducing the 2014 AFP Charlotte Board

We would like to formally announce the newly elected 2014 AFP Charlotte Board, including the 2014 Officers and Committees.
President Shannon Hinson, CFRE
President-Elect Michelle Hamilton, CFRE
Treasurer Katherine Lambert, CFRE
Secretary Deepa Naik
Past President Patton McDowell, CFRE
VP, Programs Jamie Hayes, CFRE
VP, Membership Ben Mohler, CFRE
VP, Outreach Donna Canzano
Alicia Morris (Socials)
Armen Boyajian, CFRE (Scholarships & EMC)
Bart Landess (Leave A Legacy)
Basil Lyberg (Communications & Marketing)
Caitlin Donley (National Philanthropy Day)
Jenna Westbrook (Communications & Marketing)
Jennifer Player (Affinity Groups)
Josh Jacobson, CFRE (Mentoring)
Julie Congliaro (National  Philanthropy Day)
Marjorie Bray   (Mentoring)
Patrick Lynch (Sponsorships)
Rachel Smith (Programs)
Randall Hitt, CFRE (Recruitment & Retention)
Stephanie Stenglein, CFRE (Assistant Treasurer & Job Opportunities)
Trish Hobson (NC Conference)
Rex Otey (Legislative & Advocacy)

In addition to changes and additions to the AFP Charlotte Board, several changes to committee organization have been made:
  • We have created an Assistant Treasurer role, responsible for assuming the role of Treasurer in the following year and Job Opportunities.
  •  We have combined EMC & Scholarships into one role they are related due to the Chamberlain Scholarship.
  •  CFRE and Senior Forum are combined to support our chapter's most senior members.
  •  The position to support Leave A Legacy has been added under Programming.

Posted in AFP Charlotte Programs.


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