AFP Member Confessions: Marianne Schild, YWCA Central Carolinas

AFP-Charlotte Has a Place For You

In 2011, I had been a professional fundraiser in a small shop for just over a year. My boss, YWCA's Chief Philanthropy Officer, Anita Self, had taken me to a number of AFP-Charlotte's luncheon programs throughout my first year on the job. I enjoyed each one because 1. I always learned something, and 2. I had the pleasure of meeting some wonderful people. Anita knew everyone, and I benefited. 
So, one year into these fabulous luncheon programs and encounters, I felt I had to make my relationship with AFP official and graduate from the handwritten GUEST name badge. I discovered AFP has different levels of membership for individuals and organizations, including one for the young professional: professional fundraisers under the age of 30. I presented this membership option to the decision-makers in my organization, who approved my AFP membership! 
Since becoming a member, I have served on the AFP-Charlotte Membership Committee for three years, won the 2013 Chamberlain Scholarship to attend AFP ICON, served on the AFP-Charlotte Scholarship Committee and enhanced my membership with the AFP Small Shop Affinity Group (among other enriching experiences).
I encourage you to let AFP empower you to consider next steps and augment your career, as it continues to do for me.

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