Conference Site Down - Regular Rates Extended

Our pain is your gain!  Our Conference Website is DOWN!
Due to a major vendor system failure/website crash we are unable to take any more online registrations at the conference website.  However, we have made arrangements so that you can still register and pay via credit card through our conference administrators. 
Because of this inconvenience we are extending the regular rate until Friday August 8thAll registrations MUST be received by 5:00 PM on Friday.  No exceptions.  AFP Members $139 Guests $170
If you decide to attend after Friday, 8/8 you must register on-site the day at the much higher rate:  AFP Members $170 Guests $200
There are a few seats left in the Fundamentals of Fundraising and CFRE Review courses, please email us if you are interested in one of those. 
Please DOWNLOAD A PAPER FORM (Word or PDF format) to complete and email back to our administrator, Sharon Tripp   
We are sorry for this inconvenience.

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